I had mentioned earlier that I had found 3 gems at the thrift store. Here is my third gem in all it's glory
Isn't he adorably ugly? And yes he's broken-can you tell I busted his eye by accident? Oh well, we all have our scars! I hummed and hawed about what colour to paint him to give him a new life and gender! For a couple days I was set on the Krylon "Strawberry" colour I saw when I picked up paint for my cameo garbage can....but I didn't think that would look so hot in my beige/teal/chocolate living room-which is where he will eventually live! I finally settled on Hyacinth, which is truly a gorgeous colour and I will be using it ALOT!
First Coat=creepy
I can still see his undercoat!
If you look really closely you can see the whites of his eyes!
So a few coats later, after moving my project from outside to my garage-gotta love Vancouver in the fall (RAIN!) I ended up with this! He/She is a bit sticky, since it is quite humid today and the garage is closed.
She's more purple than she looks. The garage does not have the best lighting!
And here she is living on my side table with my orchid, lamp and plumeria candle. I think she will live here until I get a bookcase I've been thinking about for a while!
I'm not in love with the hat....
I'm not too sure what I was do about it-I'm open to suggestions!
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Cute! Also not a fan of the hat. I don't really have any suggestions though. :(
ReplyDeleteI know-besides take a pottery class and make a head addition with ears? I thought wearing the hat upside would help, but it's not much better
ReplyDeleteLove It !