
Sunday, July 24, 2011

Scavenger Hunt Sunday

Here we are folks, another Scavenger Hunt Sunday!  I was really intrigued by the prompts this week....maybe because they were non-photography words and I didn't get intimidated by them :)   As always, a big "THANK YOU" to the lovely Ashley Sisk.  She is so inspiring, not to mention gorgeous (did you see her profile on her header-lurvely!)
*I wasn't able to find 2 pics good enough, but I will keep hunting!*

This week's magic words are
Music to My Ears, Hat, Clear, Out Of This World & Sprinkles

1). Music To My Ears

2).  Hat
This is my beloved Boston Red Sox hat. 
Very excited to see them play on August 13th in Seattle

3). Clear
I think this picture is a bit of a stroke of genius really-if I do say so myself.  How many definitions of 'clear' do you see in this photo?

4). Out Of This World

I couldn't pick just one of the photos for "out of this world".  I knew this was what I wanted to shoot, but I had no idea I'd love them SO much!

5). Sprinkles


  1. I agree, all of the out of this world shots are great, I couldn't pick just one either!

  2. I like the perspective from your "out of this world" photo. Really neat! :)

  3. i LOVE photographing clouds as well!! i love the brightness of them and the angle on hat is great!

  4. So glad you enjoy the hunt - I love your out of this world shots.

  5. whooohooooo!!!!!!! Great Hat photo!

  6. these are great! love your perspectives!

  7. Nice work and out of this world is very cool
