
Monday, August 8, 2011

Everyday I'm Smuggling

Ok that's not really true.  But, when we go shopping in the States we are only allowed a certain amount of goods to bring back, based on how long we were sometimes...y'know, I may or may not take the stickers off books and throw them in my suitcase... Anywho, the point of the story is my sister in law, Sil, and her man Drew were visiting us this past week and we re-vamped LMFAO's song (Party Rock Anthem) as a joke for our trip to the USA... "everyday I'm smuggalin" (insert running man here!)

I can't remember what everyone bought on the trip, but I did buy a beautiful spoon rest (left) from Anthropologie, I bought an awesome new daytimer from Target-it's grey and coral LOVE!, I also bought the first book in the Hunger Games trilogy (I've already finished reading it) and The Help (can't wait to start). 
Oh and a bottle of wine from Target too.

  One of my favourite parts of the trip was a stop at Trader Joe's. 

OH!  How did I live without Trader Joe's in my life?!?! So awesome, loved everything about it.  And I bought the cutest tissue box there.  I laughed so hard when I read all the sides!

And of course a trip to Seattle wouldn't be complete without BASEBALL (and beer)!

 Safe Co Field! We had AMAZING seats on the third base line. Had to put our drinks down everytime there was a lefty at bat-there were a few close foul balls to our section!

Me and Drew!

Be prepared for another baseball post next week. 
Ty & I will be headed back to Seattle to see the Red Sox beat play the Mariners!

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