Thursday, August 17, 2017

Inspiration is a Fickle Thing

You know how some days you're just EL FUEGO and you're like "YES! HIT ME WITH ALL THE THINGS! I CAN SO TOTALLY DO THIS".....and then other days you're like "Wellllll, it is 10:30am...I should probably get out of bed?" *turn over and check Facebook again, even though it's been 30 seconds since you last checked*

No? Just me?  I mean, I apologize to all mums out there....I imagine you dream about laying in bed until 10:30am.  

Anyway, I want to have an honest convo about inspiration.  Especially for creatives.  Because I think "normal people" aka people who don't have creative jobs, look at us like unicorns.  Which I mean, we kinda are.
But, this unicorn goes through some real grey days. Legit

So let's, briefly, mention the things that bring us down. Politics. Money. The overwhelming fear that what we're doing is stupid and there's no point to being alive. Ok I went a bit far on that one, but sometimes it's hard to be Polly Positive Pants. 
As someone who's susceptible to a pretty awful 
anxiety/depression loop, I can go from super 
pumped to horribly bummed pretty quick.

But, LUCKILY here are some of the things that help me get my groove back.

1). Friends.  I am a social butterfly, and rocking this solopreneur life is HARD!  Extroverts have just as hard a time as introverts, just with the opposite things.  I rely on people to get my energy up.  I love hanging out. So I'm trying to do a better job at calling people up for coffee dates + gab sessions just to keep my sanity.  PS if you want to hang, you should message me.  I'm down!
2).Getting out of my house!
OK real talk...there are days when I don't leave my house.  Sometimes on purpose, sometimes because I can't fathom getting off the couch and interacting in the real world.  And we won't talk about how some days I 'forget' to shower....and I don't have a toddler to blame it on.  Get out!  Even if it's a drive to the grocery store to pick up something for dinner.  I got out of the house and it makes me feel slightly better.

3). MUSIC!
Man, is there nothing a good song can't do?!?! The answer is no!  I went through a period of time, not too long ago, where I just TOTALLY forgot about music.  I think because in my "other life" music is my job and I'm only listening to songs I can choreograph to - not songs that I enjoy listening to. Does that ever happen to you? Something you know you love just doesn't bring joy anymore?  Put on a super fun song, have a little dance party for one, and get your groove back

And I mean if GIFs of Chris Pratt dancing doesn't put a smile on your face....I don't know what will? lol Disclaimer: I have a legitimate Chris Pratt/Guardians of the Galaxy problem.  Bonus the Guardians soundtracks are SUPER FUN, so I highly recommend giving those a listen if you need some inspiration.

What do you do when you start feeling burnt out? What are your go-to's for those grey days?  I'd love to hear what you do when you need to re-charge or get your mojo back.

Tuesday, June 27, 2017

The Best Advice I've EVER Received

I was watching "Talking with Chris Hardwick" the other day, and his guest was James Corden.  Now James Corden is not my favourite late night host. For me it basically goes Seth Meyers, Stephen Colbert, Jimmy Fallon, and then maybe James Corden.  Anywho, I was watching these two chat, and Chris finished the interview with a question which basically got down to "what's the best advice you've ever got?"  And James answered about how his Dad used to say that the difference between doing something and not doing something is doing something; so DO SOMETHING! 

So that got me thinking.  What's the best advice I've ever received?  What mantra, or motto, do I try to live by or remember.  And I instantly grabbed my laptop to start writing.  Because I LOVE this piece of advice, and for some crazy reason I had never really shared it.

After high school I decided to not go to university straight away because I didn't know what I wanted to take.  So I got a job for an outbound telemarketing company.  Which meant I spent my 8 hour day calling, mostly Americans, trying to sell them stuff, usually a credit card.  After a few months I scaled down to half days because it felt like I was losing my soul.  I hated when people hung up on me.  I took every swear, every hang up, every angry word personally.  Those people on the end of the line clearly 
hated me, thought I was a horrible 
person, and I deserved an awful fiery death.  
One day it really got to me and my supervisor noticed.  

She came over and asked me what was wrong, and I explained how frustrated I was because people kept hanging up on me and I couldn't make any sales (Type A goal driven personality over here!).  All around me my peers were succeeding, while I was failing.  

My supervisor asked me, "Can you control when someone gets upset with you?  Can you control the someone hangs up on you?" And I answered, "well no...." (there was a "but" coming but she cut me off). Exactly, she said.  You can't control if someone hangs up on you.  But you can control moving on to the next call, and maybe that next call will be the sale.  Control what you can control.


This was a LIFE changing phrase that had, literally, NEVER crossed my mind.  I was (am) so Type A, so gripped by fear, so gripped by needing to control my world around me so I felt comfortable and safe, I felt the need to control everything, including other people, that I never thought that I COULDN'T control other people! But when I really let it sink in, she was right.  I couldn't control if that person hung up on me.  I couldn't control them.  I can ONLY control HOW I react and deal with the situation.

Now lemme tell ya, this has changed my life!  Do I remember this on a daily basis? No, I'm a human, and I fail all the time.  Like when I'm on a plane, sitting on the tarmac, and I need to get off to make my connection...yeah I'm freaking out and I wish that I had control over the plane!   But I TRY to remember to control what I can control.  Somedays it's easier than others.  And I know to some of you, with self esteem and confidence, this is probably the LAMEST revelation a person could ever have.  But for someone like me, who needs people to like her, desires people to love her, who needs exterior confirmation of a job well done, being able to LET GO of the idea that I needed to control everything was revolutionary for me. 

So maybe there's a pre-teen, or a teenager you know who could really use this motto...or a gal in her early 30's still trying to navigate what 'being an adult' is all about.  Would you share this with someone who could use a little pick me up? A little reminder that they only have so much control over this giant thing we call life.  What's the best advice you've ever received?  Share it in the comments below!

Tuesday, April 25, 2017

Spread the Love

As you may or may not have noticed, I've started writing a bit more frequently here on the ole blog...something I hope I can keep up (funnily enough the original title of my blog was Try To Keep Up!)  But with the super delayed spring, and just the world in general, I felt like I should spread some cheer!

If you have met me in person you have, no doubt, realized I am a smiley, goofy, big-laugh kinda girl.  I want everyone to have a good time and feel like they're "in on the joke".  And sometimes being in this #craftipreneuer #solopreneur world can get kinda isolating. 

And then I remembered something. A while back (ok like a long time ago), I read a realistic post about this one blogger's struggles & I empathized with her on so many levels.  So I reached out to her and basically gave her a virtual pat on the back.  And she emailed me back (!), thanking me for, what I considered, a tiny gesture. But what a HUGE difference it made in both our lives.

We tend to boost our friends or our tribes and rarely venture outside of those protective circles.  And for good reason.  We gather people around us that we trust and feel safe with.  But could you imagine if a peer from OUTSIDE your circle commented on something you did? Something you posted.  With genuine feeling? 

So I'm challenging all bloggers, craftipreneurs, mompreneurs, solopreneurs, basically anyone who reads this to go outside your tribe, find someone who inspires you, or posted a cool vid, or has a great product and tell them.  Honestly.  No emojis.  Just real talk. Direct message them.  Email them. 
Let's call it....a Random Act of Real-ness

A Random Act of Real-ness can be anything. Maybe feature someone who needs some exposure?  Write an email to that "big time" blogger you admire.  Send a hand made card (or even e-card) to one of your followers?  We're all "regular" people.  Even the people who we think have "made it big", or are "more Insta famous" than us. They are totally normal humans, just like you and me!  So go ahead! Tell someone you like them.

I hope I can inspire you to spread a little love outside of your regularly scheduled programming.  If you decide to get involved, copy and save and post the Random Act of Real-ness image! XOXOXO Happy Tuesday!

Thursday, April 13, 2017

Facing your Email Fears, or How NOT to Email a Craft Market

I don't know about you, but cold emailing people is my nightmare.  I can dance on stage, sing the national anthem in an arena full of strangers...but cold emailing someone is something I've REALLY had to force myself to practice.

If you're anything like me, the fear of sending that email comes from a jumble of emotions of wanting to look professional but not cold, friendly but not goofy, succinct but not curt, and informative but minus the verbal diarrhea. It's a delicate balance to be sure. So here are some tried and true nuggets to make the most out of that cold email!

1). NIKE aka Just Do It
Hurdle number one is grabbing your "beach ball sized lady nuts" (thanks Negan) and plunking down at the laptop to start.  I remember when I met the WONDERFUL Ally Matos of Allyfotografy and listening to her talk about reaching out to BIG NAMES (like, big!).  And she has such a wonderful philosophy about it.  If nothing happens, if they don't respond to you, you're actually no worse off than you were before sending that email. 
And she's right.  The worst that can happen is that you don't get an answer...ok cool.  I literally have to tell myself that when I step out of my comfort zone; the world will not end, I will not be swallowed up into a pit of oblivion, it will be ok.  Next!

2). Try to avoid "one-liner" emails aka don't ask "how much are tables?"
Now, I know I might have some push back on this one.  IF you are emailing/contacting a market organizer do not, I repeat DO NOT, write a one line email asking how much a table costs and leave it at that.  To a market organizer this proves that you, the vendor, have not gone to their website, Instagram, or Facebook, nor have you looked at the FAQ page (where incidentally A LOT of markets say in black & white how much their booths cost) and you're not interested in anything beyond your costs.  And I get it - we're all trying to be as profitable as possible.  BUT  I will also say that you get what you pay for.  This has been true in EVERY instance I've encountered it. When you pay a bit more in fees, you get a lot more because the organizer now has additional budget for advertising, printing, prizes, coffee, and a great venue.  Also you'd never do that in person - just walk up to someone, ask how much their jacket costs and then walk away?!?! Why would you do it in an email? lol  This is a perfect example of the the stuff we humans do because of the anonymity of the internet! If you wouldn't do it in person, don't do it online (man, that's a good life lesson!)

3). Tell me who you are!!!!!
This is one of those things I assume would be obvious....apparently not.  I have received WAY too many emails, sometimes with most of the information I need, but without people telling me who they are and how they found me!  Or people who are interested in applying for a market, but don't tell me the name of their business and what they make?!?! What do you want me to do with that lack of info? lol
Imagine someone knocking on your door, you answer and they just start spewing info at you and before you can get a word in they turn around and leave?  It's like Cinderella at the ball- the Prince has NO IDEA who she is! As a rule of thumb when I start an email, even to people who might know of me, I often start with "Hi My name is Leslie Kuny and I'm the Creator and Designer of West Coast Leslie Designs. If you're unfamiliar with my brand I create handmade, heirloom quality, modern designed, knitwear accessories for women."
See how easy that was? In TWO sentences I introduced myself, and told you who I am.  If I'm contacting them because they posted in a Facebook group, or maybe online somewhere, be sure to mention that! All you need is one additional sentence that says something like "I saw your post in the Shabadoo Goofball Facebook page" OR "I'm emailing you because I saw your post on the Awesomesauce Vendors webpage".  In the email I would also link my website or Facebook page to the name of my business to make it easy for the recipient to check out my online presence.  I'll tell you one thing, they DO NOT want to hunt you down online. Which brings me to.....

3 A). Show me who you are
This doesn't mean clog up someone's inbox with high-res photos when they didn't ask for them.  But for darns sakes would you PLEASE link your social media?!?! I think it's great that you make handmade, up-cycled, themed pillows that help kids with night terrors(is this a thing-maybe?), but where can I see your work? Link your social media feeds in the email!!  I can't tell you how many times Jill & I have had to go scrounging the internet for people and photos. (Again I reiterate, who are you?).  It's always helpful to imagine yourself on the other end of this interaction.  Would you want to spend extra time trying to hunt someone down and find their instagram account? Probably not, so why are you making someone else do your work for you? Plus there's a real easy way to NEVER forget to add in your social media links  - add your social media links to your signature. Pretty slick right? I know!

4). Do Your Research
Remember the last time you were chatting with a friend and they knew you were training for a marathon and were really excited for you? Yeah, that felt pretty great didn't it? Someone took an interest in you and that makes us feel all warm and fuzzy inside.  Same thing goes for events.  So before shooting off a hasty email, go to the company's website, or Facebook page, or Instagram, or Twitter, or Pinterest, or LinkdIn, or Blog, or Youtube channel...or ANYTHING! 
Find out a little bit about who they are, what they stand for.  There is a lot of info on those websites (like costs, times, dates, names of important people, mission statements, values, etc). Knowing a bit about the person/company you are contacting makes a HUGE difference. It will set you apart from the other emails and it shows that you've taken an interest in what that company does.  We all want to feel valued for what we do, so taking the time to do a bit of research before hitting 'send' is well worth it.  

5). Say Thank you, be Polite, and be Patient
(sidebar was really hard finding a not sarcastic thank you gif - just putting that out there!)
Everyone is "busy".  Everyone is "important". Everyone has responsibilities, obligations, and priorities. You and the person you're emailing. So be sure to thank them for their time.  Think about your day.  How much of your day goes into reading and responding to much laptop rage do you experience in that time? lol A "thank you", or an "I appreciate your time" can go a long way.  Likewise you can't expect an immediate answer.  Things have really changed in the "internet age" and, let's admit it, in this time of instant messaging and texts we expect answers. Like NOW. Give them a solid three days.  I know - when you're expecting an answer you're basically that chick from Willy Wonka singing "don't care hooooowww, I want it nooowwww!"and then she falls down a chute or something.  Patience is a virtue, so try not to follow up too soon. You don't know what's happening on the other end.  Unfortunately the written word can be misconstrued (even in this blog post! I wish we had a keyboard for sarcasm), so constant follow up emails can be seen as impatient or worse, rude.  Now, that's not an excuse for anyone to let emails slide...but if you haven't heard back in a week, I'd say that's a fair amount of time to send a follow up.  And sadly sometimes you just won't hear back...and that's shitty. BUT see email tip #1

Again, with most of these "Tips & Tricks" the key take away is to put the shoe on the other foot.  Would you want to receive a cold email that has no pertinent information, that is curt, doesn't have a call to action (what do you want from me?), seems to know nothing about my business/brand, and doesn't say who it's from or what they do?  Who would reply to an email like that? And that's the last tip - write an email you'd want to receive. What information do they need to know?  What information do you want to know from them? Ask them for what you want. Be kind, and say thank you.  Follow that and you're golden.

Did I miss something that you ALWAYS make sure to do when emailing?  Let me know in the comments or get at me on Facebook