Thanks so much for stopping by! I'm Leslie, the owner of West Coast Leslie Designs; a handmade crochet apparel biz!
I'm a Dance Teacher by trade with a Bachelor of Fine Arts in Dance (I'm fancy huh?), but I enjoy creativity through a number of outlets....choreography, paper crafts, photography, trying new recipes, spray painting various objects and making my house a home! Most recently I start my handmade business, WCLD, and now I mostly focus on make beautiful, functional crochet apparel for women!
I live in Vancouver Canada with my co-pilot for life Ty. He is my partner in crime and has been a huge support, working with me at markets and dealing with so.much.yarn. EVERYWHERE

And I'm not the only one over here! My sister, Jill, helps me out A LOT and you'll be hearing from her too!
You'll find a bit of everything on my blog, from pictures of my latest travels, scrapbook layouts, recipes, attempts in sewing, to pretty cards. I hope you feel inspired or encouraged after visiting, and feel less guilty about not being able to do everything, because we're all just trying to keep up!
Feel free to contact me anytime!