This week I finally decided to recreate Kim's (from Bugaboo, Mini, Mr & Me) farewell to summer wreath. It's so awesome, I needed to make one! Kim offers a pretty great tutorial but like all crafts so much is trial and error....oh not to mention I'm horrible at making rosettes, so this should be interesting!
First cover something circular in tissue paper
(I went out an bought a flat styrofoam circle and it worked really well.)
Then start cutting the tissue paper in strips the long way, against the folds. I kept the tissue paper folded as I cut my strips....this is super efficient and saves you a lot of time. Plus the sides will be straighter...if you care about that kind of thing.
I cut two and a half pieces of tissue paper to make all my rosettes.
If you think making the rosettes is tedious (it took me 2.5 hours from the time I started to glueing the last rosette on-but I'm just that special) just wait until you start filling in the edges with the poufs! Of course your rosette making skills (and distraction level "ooh Oprah's on") will dictate how long it takes.
All that finnicky work is worth it though! Isn't she a beaut?
I really like my version, even if it's not exactly like Kim's. I added a few poufs of tulle here and there and also added small pearls in the centre of random roses.
I hope Kim doesn't mind my additions.
Party Party!
I love this idea! So cute!
Take Care,
Wow! That's beautiful. So impressed!
I actually really like the different sizes of rosettes and that they are overlapped! It makes it more natural and random looking. It turned out beautifully!
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