Wednesday, September 11, 2013

Altered Canvas Wedding Gift

So I just returned from Saskatoon where I got my craft 
on with my sister, some friends and my Grandma.

But first, a quick trip to PURE for some fro-yo!

After having lunch with my grandparents I put my Granny to work making a scarf for my Christmas Craft Fair! When I told her she had to chain 211 she looked at me like I was crazy!

Jill & I made companion canvases as part of Ashely's wedding gift.  I made the 12x12 one, and Jill made the smaller one.

Close up of the photo.  I mounted it on 2 
different papers and popped it up - real high!

Loved this embossing that I added to the edge of the sheet music and the edge of the canvas.  It really turned out beautifully and really pulled the canvas together!

The top edge of the embossing, some bunting 
and buttons to add the finishing touch! 

I added this chip board heart with the embossed stamp to pull both canvases together and added just a little something extra.

I am really proud of this gift! And I really hope that the bride and groom like it as much as I do!
Dragonfly Designs

1 comment:

Amy said...

I really love those canvases! They are really pretty and such a cute wedding gift idea.