No? Just me? I mean, I apologize to all mums out there....I imagine you dream about laying in bed until 10:30am.

But, this unicorn goes through some real grey days. Legit
So let's, briefly, mention the things that bring us down. Politics. Money. The overwhelming fear that what we're doing is stupid and there's no point to being alive. Ok I went a bit far on that one, but sometimes it's hard to be Polly Positive Pants.
As someone who's susceptible to a pretty awful
anxiety/depression loop, I can go from super
pumped to horribly bummed pretty quick.
As someone who's susceptible to a pretty awful
anxiety/depression loop, I can go from super
pumped to horribly bummed pretty quick.
But, LUCKILY here are some of the things that help me get my groove back.
1). Friends. I am a social butterfly, and rocking this solopreneur life is HARD! Extroverts have just as hard a time as introverts, just with the opposite things. I rely on people to get my energy up. I love hanging out. So I'm trying to do a better job at calling people up for coffee dates + gab sessions just to keep my sanity. PS if you want to hang, you should message me. I'm down!
OK real talk...there are days when I don't leave my house. Sometimes on purpose, sometimes because I can't fathom getting off the couch and interacting in the real world. And we won't talk about how some days I 'forget' to shower....and I don't have a toddler to blame it on. Get out! Even if it's a drive to the grocery store to pick up something for dinner. I got out of the house and it makes me feel slightly better.
3). MUSIC!
Man, is there nothing a good song can't do?!?! The answer is no! I went through a period of time, not too long ago, where I just TOTALLY forgot about music. I think because in my "other life" music is my job and I'm only listening to songs I can choreograph to - not songs that I enjoy listening to. Does that ever happen to you? Something you know you love just doesn't bring joy anymore? Put on a super fun song, have a little dance party for one, and get your groove back
And I mean if GIFs of Chris Pratt dancing doesn't put a smile on your face....I don't know what will? lol Disclaimer: I have a legitimate Chris Pratt/Guardians of the Galaxy problem. Bonus the Guardians soundtracks are SUPER FUN, so I highly recommend giving those a listen if you need some inspiration.
What do you do when you start feeling burnt out? What are your go-to's for those grey days? I'd love to hear what you do when you need to re-charge or get your mojo back.
And I mean if GIFs of Chris Pratt dancing doesn't put a smile on your face....I don't know what will? lol Disclaimer: I have a legitimate Chris Pratt/Guardians of the Galaxy problem. Bonus the Guardians soundtracks are SUPER FUN, so I highly recommend giving those a listen if you need some inspiration.
What do you do when you start feeling burnt out? What are your go-to's for those grey days? I'd love to hear what you do when you need to re-charge or get your mojo back.