OK, so apparently Mother Nature checked her calender and realized it was August 31st so she better get the rain started. It is wet out there today. No, I'm not complaining, in fact I do love the rain on the "wet" coast. It keep things green all year round (I bet you didn't see brown grass during the Winter Olympics did ya?), rain keeps things clean (no ugly sand on the roads in winter), and it helps control my allergies. The other great thing about cooler weather is I get to make some of my favourite foods-warm, filling, stick to your gut comfort food! I made my meal plan on Sunday, a nice 20 degrees Celsius day-little did I realize how genius it would be, since I had scheduled to make chili today-the first grey, rainy day we've had in a while!!!!
Now, I know that alot of people are gonna fight me on this, but I truly believe i have the BEST chili recipe ever. It's something of a family secret (I can't even believe I'm posting it, but it's THAT GOOD). I've tried a lot of other chili's out there, but hands down, mine is the best. Try it for yourself!
Daddy Lou's Kick Ass Chili
1 lb ground beef
1 onion chopped
1 green pepper chopped
2-4 stalks of celery chopped
1 can Tomato sauce
(or paste. Tomato paste will give a different flavour)
1 large can diced tomatoes
1 can condensed tomato soup
chili powder
garlic salt
ground coriander seed
ground cumin seed
(You don't need much coriander/cumin, but both are important)
salt & pepper
dried jalapeno
1 can kernel corn
(optional-but I always put it in)
1 can kidney beans
1 can regular deep brown beans
Coarsley chop your veggies and lightly saute in a large stock pot. DO NOT OVER COOK. Remember, you're going to be simmering the chili at the end, you don't want your veggies to end up all mushy! Yuck. Don't chop your veggies too fine either. I like a nice chunkly chili, so precision is not necessary.
As the veggies are cooking, brown the ground beef with salt and pepper. Again, don't over cook. Browning means strictly that, brown it. We're not making burritos. Drain the ground beef in a collander and add to veggies in a stock pot. I always drain my beef-even if it's lean. Make sure that you have the hot water running in your sink whenever you're draining meat. This will allow th liquid fat/oil to stay liquid and it will be less likely to plug up your drain!
Next add the canned tomato products to the veggies and meat. Keep the stove on at medium so the chili stays warm. Please note that the brand of beans and tomatoes you use will make a difference how your chili tastes.
Hmmm, I haven't made chili in a while. That will have to go on the list now that summer appears to be over.
Also, almost done making the roses for your mock center piece! I'll post it asap, but right now I'm busy making myself a dress for Alan's wedding (on Saturday!)
Hey again! Firstly, loved your opening paragraph - that cracked me up and I'm so glad to have made you go 'YAY!'. Secondly, chilli rocks and I am definitely making this (it's still Wintery weather here so it will go down nicely). Thirdly, head on over to my blog when you get a chance - I just featured your wreath in my Busy Bees showcase!
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